You can order "Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians" on Amazon by putting this title in the subject field on Amazon's website $9.99 or call Lou to order 860-440-8610. Audio book will be available by March of 2024. 

Photo's by Endre Balogh


 1.The Volunteer’s/Dimensions, P.11

 2.The 4 Phase Plan for Humanity, P.18

 3.Preparation Phase (2024 to 2044)/ A New Approach to Education, P.20

 4.The New Economics/Rotating Real Estate/Tantra Yoga, P.26

 5.Soul Mates/Soul Twins (Relationships)/ Romance of the 
Universe/The Soma Plant, P.43

 6 New Healthcare System/Hope for the poor and forgotten souls, P.58

 7.East is East, and West is West…. Sacred Sounds “Mantras” and the Holy Tradition/Vedic Influence, P.71

8.Messages to UFO Communities and New Technologies, P.83

 9.Inner Grace Meditation and closing thoughts from Lou, P.97

                                                OVERVIEW OF 2025

2025: Astrology Forecast: Lou Valentino

2024 will seem like a picnic compared to 2025 in regard to planets changing into new signs.

I want to start off with the ending months of 2024 and give you some of the most important changes astrologically during 2025.

The outside transpersonal planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will be in the beginning degrees of new signs forming a minor grand trine.

These outside planets are considered to affect the collective consciousness of everyone on planet Earth.

We also have the North and South Node moving into Pisces and Virgo starting on January 13, 2025, leaving the sings of Aries and Libra over the past 18 months.

Neptune moves into Aries March 29, 2025, Saturn moves into Aries (Fall) May 24, 2025, Jupiter moves into Cancer (exalted) June 9th and Uranus moves into Gemini on July 6, 2025.

Chiron will remain in Aries till May of 2027, opening a wound affiliated with the economy in May 2027.

Signs most effected, in 2025 are Pisces, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Aries and Gemini. This doesn’t mean that the other six signs in the Zodiac will not be influenced but they are not going through the most changes in 2025.

The Signs of Aries and Libra have been going through the most over the last year and half and will continue to be influenced till September of 2025 from the Moon’s eclipses.


Pluto moves into Aquarius as of November 19, 2024, and will remain in Aquarius till 2044. It will not reach beyond 3 degrees till middle of December 2026. This is a Purification Phase. See my video on Pluto in Aquarius on my YouTube account.


Mars stations retrograde in Leo at six degrees on December 6, 2024, and retrogrades back into the sign of Cancer on January 6, 2025.

It will not station direct till February 24, 2025, moves back into Leo on April 18, 2025, and gets back to its original six degrees of Leo on May 2, 2025, when it will be out of its shadow.

When the North Node moves into Pisces on January 13th, it helps those with Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Pisces if you have planets from twenty-nine down to 12 degrees.

The North Node is about gains and the future while the South Node is about loss and the past including past lives if you believe reincarnation.

Pisces can manifest the dreams they always wanting too. This is being helped by Saturn in conjunction, close by, Neptune especially starting in May 2025 when opportunities from a minor grand trine will be abundant.

Some astrologers feel that Saturn delays opportunities here, but I feel it’s a huge blessing to have Saturn build on practical opportunities here on Earth for Pisces that has a reputation for being out in the clouds somewhere and allowing their dreams to remain just that, dreams.

Virgo will have the opportunity to heal areas of their life that cannot be ignored anymore. This could be past relationships or maybe a health issue that delays their normal rhythm of life.

They also have past gifts of healing and may make major adjustments in their professional life as the desire to work with traditional or holistic healthcare in one way or another becomes a priority.

This could also indicate that those with the Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Virgo will want to leave their current job, even if it is in the health vocations, and pursue an alternative direction in their vocation.

Both Virgo and Gemini need to pay attention to the Mercury retrograde periods in 2025. Especially Virgo since the South Node will be in Virgo and several of the Moon eclipses in 2025, 2026 and part of 2027, will be in Pisces and Virgo amplifying the North and South Node in 2025 till September 2026.

Mercury station retrograde from Nov 26th to Dec 15th, 2024, at 22 degrees Sagittarius and stations direct at 6 degrees Sagittarius.
Mercury stations retrograde from March 15th to April 7th, 2025. Starts at 9 degrees of Aries and SD at 26 degrees of Pisces.
Mercury stations retrograde on July 18 at 15 degrees Leo and stations direct on August 11th at 4 degrees of Leo, 2025.
Mercury stations retrograde on November 9th at six degrees of Sagittarius and stations direct on November 29th at 20 degrees of Scorpio, 2025.

The major aspect that will start in May 2025 and run till May 2029 is a minor grand trine between the Transpersonal/Transcendental planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

A minor grand trine offers divine grace to manifest desires without any friction in the way, a trine between Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini, and the sextiles offer opportunities, doors opening which is being activated by Neptune in Aries sextile to Uranus in Gemini and also sextile to Pluto in Aquarius.

The most fertile months for this easy flow of energy to manifest for the signs of Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces is August, September, October, and November 2025.

The most intense month for this minor grand trine in 2025 is August. See my video on exact dates for U.F.O. contact not only for 2025 but also 2026 and 2027 as this minor grand trine offers three opportunities between May 2025 to May 2029 to allow the manifestation of U.F.O. activities and full disclosure.

All these outside planets just mentioned will move in and out between signs they were in and the one’s they are moving into, except for Pluto, which will not move back into Capricorn as mentioned at the beginning of this video.

Neptune is at the center, of this minor grand trine and Saturn will conjunct Neptune and try to help the sign of Aries fuel highly creative energies that can bring innovative approaches to education, healthcare, politics, religion, science, and economics.

Aries can be impatient, but Saturn tempers the energy, so we don’t get burned out from the intense Uranus electrical energy and transform, Pluto, life so fast that we end up blowing out our human nervous system from the downloads of information coming from higher dimensional energies.

This is our time and I’m talking to light workers who have been predicting major changes ever since the 1980’s.

Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, higher knowledge being communicated, Gemini, that can provide deeper wisdom, Pluto in Aquarius, that is self-empowering and not traditional but unique and effective knowledge that is new to our world and Neptune wants to step forward wit courage, Aries, to allow a fight not only her on Earth but a battle with less than positive E.T. races that have been holding this planet down for over 30,000 years.

Technology of the light, called Elohim consciousness light technologies, will start to be introduced but we have to have a practical connection, Saturn in Aries conjunct Neptune, that allows us to communicate with other races that provide this technology to heal and cure health issues and repair the DNA stands and activate the 85 to 100 billion neurons in your brain so the central nervous system can function normally.

Neptune in Aries dissolves the boundaries, Uranus gives us the knowledge from a higher source not here on Earth and Pluto offers transformation as we step into the Age of Aquarius with new knowledge from several E.T. races.

Mars, the planet that gives us physical vitality and helps strengthen the immune system, will turn retrograde in Leo on December 6th, 2024 and Mercury will be in retrograde motion from Nov 26th to December 15th, 2024 to close off 2024 with internal conversations that are not always comfortable especially for the signs of Leo and Sagittarius since Mercury retrograde will be in Sagittarius.

With 50% of the planets in retrograde motion in December, it’s a great month to reflect on this past year 2024 and start making plans, Mercury retrograde, for the future, Sagittarius.

Because Mars is turning retrograde on December 6, 2024, it adds fuel to the internal combustion so don’t force physical advancements in the outer world. Listen to the internal dialogue that is going on and pay attention to your health.

Every Zodiac sign wants to start off the New Year 2025 with better health and a clear plan to move forward as Mercury will be out of its retrograde shadow by New Years Day 2025.

Mars will retrograde back into the sign of Cancer on January 6, 2025, where it is in its fall in Cancer. For those who have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Cancer, you are healing from the inside out till Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 24, 2025 and finally leaves the sign of Cancer on April 18, 2025 moving back into Leo and out of its retrograde shadow at the beginning of May 2025.

The sign of Cancer needs to love themselves and develop self-empowerment and not wallow in guilt or sorrow from losses in their lives presently or in the past.

The affirmation to help the sign of Cancer develop confidence during this Mars retrograde period is “I LOVE YOU, YOUR NAME, YOU’RE REAL WONDERFUL, YOU’RE VERY SPECIAL AND YOU’RE WORTH ALL OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS YOU CAN IMAGINE.”

Also, take high quality vitamin and mineral supplements, see Andrew Lessman of ProCaps on HSN, and engage in yoga poses, meditation, and other holistic healthcare practices to strengthen the immune system so by the end of April 2025, you are ready to take on the world with confidence and good health.


We have two Total Eclipses in 2025. One in Virgo and one in Pisces. We will have the normal four eclipses in 2025.

The first total full Moon eclipse in Virgo is at 23 degrees on March 14, 2025. If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Virgo, see which house is activated and that would be the issues to work on over a six-month period.

The second eclipse is a partial eclipse in Aries at 8 degrees on March 29, 2025. Aries is finishing up its eclipse cycles that started almost two years ago. The aggressive violence from humans and mother nature has been activated by eclipses in Aries, the warrior sign.

The third eclipse will be a total eclipse in Pisces at 15 degrees on September 7, 2025.

The fourth and last eclipse for 2025 will be in Virgo at 28 degrees. This is a partial eclipse on September 21, 2025.

I will go into more details about this in my monthly column posted every month on my website.

Pisces and Virgo are getting the most attentions in 2025, 2026 and till the middle of 2027. This is because the North Node will move into Pisces January 13, 2025, and out of the next nine eclipses till the middle of 2027, five of them are in either Pisces or Virgo.

If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Pisces or Virgo, you are growing at a much faster pace than you have in years especially for Pisces. Look at the houses that are ruled by these signs to see which areas of your life are affected.

The wars in the world will be at a turning point with the minor grand trine being activated and another eclipse in Aries at the end of March.

There will be times when the world looks like we are headed for a major nuclear situation. This will be stopped if implemented in any way by other races that are more evolved in their technologies than ours.

They will not allow the use of nuclear weapons from the sky, oceans, or land to be used like we did with the atomic bomb in World War II.

This may be the turning point for the world to open up to other opportunities represented by the minor grand trine.

If the Earth is in deep troubles such as an emergency, they can evacuate this planet in fifteen minutes via millions of spaceships, some of them as large as a planet.

It is the New City of Jerusalem spaceship that could lift the people of Isreal out of there troubled area and create more of a connection with U.S.A. and higher E.T. races as the surrounding Arab nations are shocked to not find anyone in Isreal wondering where they went.

The people of Ukraine are also being watched not only by our NATO nations but also by a galactic/intergalactic confederation as the war in Ukraine will also make great strides in 2025 to push Russian soldiers back into Russia.

We could see a more aggressive approach by NATO in 2025 especially starting in May when Saturn moves into Aries and vice versa, more aggression from Russian and its allies.

Humanitarian aid that needs to get to troubled areas all over the world will be more of a priority for those who can afford to help.

Humans on Earth will turn more to spirituality and put less focus on gains in the material world as natural and manmade disasters cause the financial markets to weaken from May 2025 till the end of November 2026.

People are waking up. See my video on Pluto in Aquarius for more information. Investing in human life may be the outcome of all we learn from May 2025 to May 2029.

One thing is for sure, we will be forced to change regardless of how we feel as a collective social complex. We will not have a choice but change the way we look at life and claim our self-empowerment that the minor grand trine is offering.

An opportunity to grow in the direction of peace and joy rather than violence and war.








                   Chapter Headings of my kindle Book

           By Lou Valentino and "Aim" from the Pleiadian Culture.